This release note and the software that accompanies it are copyright (c) 2012, Avago Technologies or its suppliers, and may only be installed and used in accordance with the license that accompanies the software.
This Software is furnished under license and may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of that license. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. The Software is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by AVAGO TECHNOLOGIES or its suppliers to market, license, sell or support any product or technology. Unless otherwise provided for in the license under which this Software is provided, the Software is provided AS IS, with no warranties of any kind, express or implied. Except as expressly permitted by the Software license, neither Intel Corporation nor its suppliers assumes any responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear herein. Except as expressly permitted by the Software license, no part of the Software may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form, or distributed by any means without the express written consent of AVAGO TECHNOLOGIES.
MegaRAID SAS 9362-4i
MegaRAID SAS 9362-8i
MegaRAID SAS 9361-4i
MegaRAID SAS 9361-8i
MegaRAID SAS 9363-4i
MegaRAID SAS 9380-8e
MegaRAID SAS 9381-4i4e
MegaRAID SAS 9361-8iCC
MegaRAID SAS 9380-8eCC
MegaRAID SAS 9364-8i
MegaRAID SAS 9340-8i
MegaRAID SAS 9341-8i
MegaRAID SAS 9341-4i
MegaRAID SAS 9270-8i
MegaRAID SAS 9271-4i
MegaRAID SAS 9271-8i
MegaRAID SAS 9271-8iCC
MegaRAID SAS 9286-8e
MegaRAID SAS 9286CV-8e
MegaRAID SAS 9286CV-8eCC
MegaRAID SAS 9265-8i
MegaRAID SAS 9285-8e
MegaRAID SAS 9240-4i
MegaRAID SAS 9240-8i
MegaRAID SAS 9260-4i
MegaRAID SAS 9260CV-4i
MegaRAID SAS 9260-8i
MegaRAID SAS 9260CV-8i
MegaRAID SAS 9260DE-8i
MegaRAID SAS 9261-8i
MegaRAID SAS 9280-4i4e
MegaRAID SAS 9280-8e
MegaRAID SAS 9280DE-8e
MegaRAID SAS 9280-24i4e
MegaRAID SAS 9280-16i4e
MegaRAID SAS 9260-16i
MegaRAID SAS 9266-4i
MegaRAID SAS 9266-8i
MegaRAID SAS 9285CV-8e
MegaRAID SAS 8704EM2
MegaRAID SAS 8708EM2
MegaRAID SAS 8880EM2
MegaRAID SAS 84016E*
MegaRAID SAS 8408E*
MegaRAID SAS 8480E*
Supported HBA Controllers
LSI SAS 9211
LSI SAS 9212
LSI WarpDrive SLP-300
9212 4i4e-R spec
9211-8i/4i-R spec
LSI Nytro WarpDrive WLP4-200
LSI Nytro WarpDrive WLP4-400
LSI Nytro WarpDrive BLP4-400
LSI Nytro WarpDrive BLP4-800
LSI Nytro WarpDrive BLP4-1600
LSI Nytro XD BLP4-400
LSI Nytro XD BLP4-800
LSI SAS 9207-4i4e
LSI SAS 9217-4i4e
LSI SAS 9207-8i
LSI SAS 9217-8i
LSI SAS 9207-8e
LSI SAS 9201-16e
LSI SAS 9200-8e
*These older controllers should work but have not been tested.
Package Information
OS supported = Windows* 2000, Windows* 2003, Windows* XP, Windows* Vista, Windows* 2008, Windows* 7, Windows* 8
This package can be installed on all x86 and x64 systems.
1) MSM uses 5571 or 3071 as multicast listening ports, please make sure these ports are NOT blocked by firewall utility for MSM remote connection.
2) MSM does not work on Longhorn Core
3)From MR5.3 MSM is added with 256 bit encryption and this option is disabled by default from factory.
The end user(s) who needs to enable 256 bit encryption is\are expected to perform the below steps
1. Go to <MSM_HOME>\ StrongSSLEncryption.ini
2.Modify the property SSL_STRONG_ENCRYPTION to �ENABLE�
3.Restart the MSM Framework
Warning : Please be aware that enabling 256bit encryption would restrict the user from communicating with the previous versions of MSM due to the higher Vs lower bit encryption handshake in the communication channel.
4) MSM Framework uses the 3071 port, please make sure this port is not occupied by other application to avoid the issues like Ex: GUI refresh and Monitor Events logging issues.
5) Increase/Decrease strength of Public/Private RSA keys:
Windows MSM Installer provides an option to user to select Self signed key size.
Upon installation user can still switch the keys and below were the steps to perform the same:
- Stop MSMFramework Service.
- Make sure service is Stopped
- Edit the available in below locations
2) <MSM_HOME>\Framework
3) <MSM_HOME>\MegaPopup
- Comment/Uncomment the VIVALDI_KEY_FILE field for Key size selection.
- Save the file.
- Start the MegaRAID Storage Manager Framework service.
- Start the MegaPopup from Command prompt ( <MSM_HOME>\MegaPopup\popup.exe)
6)Alert notifications of users choice:
After installation user can switch the alert notifications choices and below were the steps to perform the same:
- Stop MSMFramework Service.
- Make sure service is Stopped
- Edit the available in below location
- Comment/Uncomment the EVENT_NOTIFICATION_CHOICE field for alert notification choice selection.
- Save the file.
- Start the MegaRAID Storage Manager Framework service.
- Start the MegaPopup (<MSM_HOME>\MegaPopup\
7)MSM MR6.7 is upgraded with latest OpenSSL (0.9.8zc) to address the Oct OpenSSL advisory.
Below were the list of vulnerabilities and respective CVEs impact starting Jun�14
OpenSSL Security Advisory [05 Jun 2014]
- SSL/TLS MITM vulnerability (CVE-2014-0224)
- DTLS recursion flaw (CVE-2014-0221)
- Anonymous ECDH denial of service (CVE-2014-3470)
OpenSSL Security Advisory [6 Aug 2014]
- Double Free when processing DTLS packets (CVE-2014-3505)
- DTLS memory exhaustion (CVE-2014-3506)
- DTLS memory leak from zero-length fragments (CVE-2014-3507)
- OpenSSL DTLS anonymous EC(DH) denial of service (CVE-2014-3510)
OpenSSL Security Advisory [15 Oct 2014]
- Session Ticket Memory Leak (CVE-2014-3567)
Note: This list had been derived based on the symptoms / usage descriptions of advisory and AVAGO engineers are not equipped with insight of openssl code segment of impact analysis
Known Restrictions
1) Users have to install Windows Installer 3.0 or above to install MSM on their machines.
Here is the link to install Windows installer 3.0.
2) MSM will be supported starting from Windows 2000 Service Pack 3. Anything lower than this will not be supported.
3) Scan/Import IR RAID Foreign Configuration not working When all the drives are removed clear configuration wont appear. So foreign configuration should be tested removing only one drive without removing all of them.
4) sfcb timeout socket error in CIMOM server results in AEN blocked by sfcb-cimom and may lead to duplicate entries in client with incorrect event description.
To get rid of this, user is required to restart sfcb service in VMware ESXi.
Command to restart : /etc/init.d/sfcbd-watchdog stop.
/etc/init.d/sfcbd-watchdog start.
The same has been raised against VMware. Refer to the link further details[]
5) CURL error in CIMOM server results in AEN blocked by CIMOM server to upper layer(CIMProvider-->MSM). This can happen if servers are in differnt subnet or if there is any incomplete AEN subscritions.
To get rid of this, user is required to have both client and server in same subnet.
Any incomplete AEN subscriptions needs to be removed via CIMClient
Either restart of sfcb service or reboot the server is recommended after any change in VMware server.
6) In Windows, MSM upgrade from 11M05 releases (MSM v11.05.xx.xx) to 11M08 releases (MSM v11.08.xx.xx) fails.
The work around for this issue are.
1. Uninstall 11M05 MSM (MSM v11.05.xx.xx) and install 11M08 MSM (MSM v11.08.xx.xx).
2. Upgrade 11M05 MSM (MSM v11.05.xx.xx) to 11M06 MSM (MSM v11.06.xx.xx) then upgrade to 11M08 MSM (MSM v11.08.xx.xx).
7) Latest AVAGO MegaRAID Storage Manager for Windows/Linux/Solaris is using an expired SSL certification (it was expired in Aug 18, 2009).
Though MSM is not a Web-based application, MSM uses the Socket connection over SSL to handshakes only with the legitimate clients of its
own using the proprietary key files which were generated using java�s key tool with the limited life time.
Though it has been identified as an issue as the key was expired, this is not a constraint to end-user anymore.
The renewal of vivaldikey , server.cert and server.key needs to be done with both client and Framework i.e. if we renew the key in both
the client and Framework the latest version of the MSM will not work with earlier versions of the Framework which implies a limitation in
the deployment environment.In AVAGO MegaRAIDStorageManager MSM GUI, MegaPopup acts as Client and Framework act as Server.
8) Japanese translation issue � In Windows/Solaris: Using JRE1.7 even though the system locale is set to "Japanese (ja)",
JRE 1.7 is returning the system locale as "en", which is not seen in JRE1.6.
Because of this reason even though the user modifies the system locale to "ja", MSM still displays all the text, events in "English" language.
Work Around for over coming this issue:
1)Open "startupui" file located at "$MSM_HOME" directory.
2)Modify the run time argument -Duser.language from en to ja.
Ex: -Duser.language = ja
Note: This issue has been filed against the JRE and has been resolved in JRE1.8
9) Latest AVAGO MegaRAID Storage Manager for Windows has been packaged with Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 1.
Note that "Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 1" is a pre-requisite for MegaRAID Storage Manager for windows platforms.
During MSM installation "Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 1" will be installed first and then proceed with MSM installation.
On Windows 2003 OS (and other windows OS) after completion of "Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 1" installation, MSM installation window will not be started automatically,
user has to run the MSM setup once again to start the MSM installation. Or user can first install the "Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 1"
by running the vc_redist.exe available in MSM package and then run the setup.exe to install MSM.
During MSM uninstallation "Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 1" will not be removed from the system.
10) During MSM upgrade using command line, first install the vc_redist.exe and then install the MSM.
11) MSM do not support IPv6 network.Make sure IPV6 is disabled before installation of MSM.
12) In case of multiple NIC environment, MSM Service automatically picks a valid NIC Address which is suggested by JAVA API.
Hence there is no force option to specify the NIC address for MSM service
Contents of the package
This package includes the Java Runtime Environment files as well as the MegaRAID Storage Manager(MSM) installation files.
The installer provides the user with five types of setup option apart from custom setup.
1. Complete - This option will install all program features.
2. Client - This option will only install components required to remotely view and configure servers.
3. Server - This option will only install components required for remote server management.
4. StandAlone - This option will only install components required for local server management.
This system will not be discovered automatically by other MSM servers in the subnet and
it will not discover other MSM servers in the subnet automatically.
(multicasting will be disabled) But the system can connect to other MSM servers by providing
the ipaddress in the hostview screen and can be connected by the other MSM clients in the subnet.
5. Local - This option will install only components required for local configuration.
Will not allow other systems on the network to connect to this server
and does not multicast too to allow remote clients to discover.
To, install the product in a non-interactive or silent mode, the user should use the commands.
1.Install the VC Redist Package from command line "vcredist_x86.exe /Q",
vcredist_x86.exe is available in <Package_Dir>\DISK1\ISSetupPrerequisites\VC Redist 2012 Installation.
2.setup.exe /s /v"/qn SETUPTYPE="<setuptype>" [REMOVEUTIL="<util1>[,<util2>]"]" from the installation disk. The <util> can be Popup,SNMP and <setuptype> can be StandAlone. The REMOVEUTIL option will remove the utility from install list. In Future, there will be more options for <util>
3. If vcredist_x86.exe is already installed, run the command mentioned in the step 2.
Update only Command line options:
Below are the set of commands to be used for update only installation for different setup types.
CLI Packaging Strategies
MSM Major Release(N):N-1 GA/point release of CLI (latest) will be bundled.
MSM Point Release(N):N GA/point release of CLI (latest) will be bundled.
Where: N � Release stream.
Installation Instructions
See Detailed installation instructions below:
1.Log in to the system as an administrator or as a user with administrative privileges.
Depending on the operating system and security settings, it may be necessary to
install MSM using administrative rights. This may require that, log in as administrator and run the installer,
or open a command prompt as administrator and run the installer via the command line,
or right click on the setup.exe and select �Run As Administrator�.
2. Extract the contents of the ZIP file and run Setup.exe from the Disk1 folder.
If JRE is not already installed, the setup program will install the appropriate version and reboot.
3. Choose from four options:
- Complete: Installs all features.
- Client: Allows the local system to administer and configure all the RAID servers in the network, but not the local system.
- Server: Allows the local server to be managed remotely.
- StandAlone: Allows the local server to be managed only by itself. This installation can neither manage other servers nor allow other clients to manage this server.
If you do not see the choices in #2, the program has determined you have a client only system with no LSI(R) SAS RAID controller installed or MSM was installed over a previous version and kept the same mode.
If a security warning about "popup" appears, click "allow" if you wish to receive alerts. By default all Fatal and Critical events will be displayed by Popup. However, user can optionally add Popup for other types of events using Monitor Configurator.
Windows 2000 note: Authentication requires the admin privilege setting. To enable, go to Program --> Administrative Tool --> Local Security Settings. Assign the policy "Act as part of operating System" to user (Administrator / Everyone).
To start the utility, go to Start>Programs>MegaRAID Storage Manager and choose StartupUI. You will be notified if no supported RAID controllers are found.
Silent install is available using the command:
Setup.exe /s /v"/qn SETUPTYPE=<setuptype>
where setuptype may be StandAlone, Client or Server.
Uninstallation Instructions
The product can be uninstalled using the shortcut "MegaRAID Storage Manager/Uninstall" from Start Menu. The product can also be removed from Add/Remove Program.
The product can be uninstalled from command line using the below options.
open the command prompt and cd to product home folder (C:\Program Files\MegaRAID Storage Manager).
Execute uninstaller.exe as mentioned below
Uninstaller.exe (For interactive mode of uninstallation)
Uninstaller.exe -silent (for Silent uninstallation)
NOTE: 1) MSM does not work on Longhorn Core
2) If user performs uninstallation of MSM (Both interactive and silent mode)when the MSM GUI is opened, system requires reboot for the changes to take effect.Hence it is recommended to close the application before uninstalling MSM.
How to configure SNMP Agent in Windows.
Step 1. Use SNMP Manager to retrieve the data (It is assumed that you have compiled mib files already). The mib files are available at the same location as setup.exe
Step 2. Use Trap utility to get the traps.
NOTE : Before you install the Agent, Make sure that SNMP Service is already installed in the system.
If you do not have SNMP Service installed on your system, Follow the following steps to install SNMP Service for Windows System.
Steps to install SNMP Service in Windows 2003:
Step 1. Select Add/Remove Programs from Control Panel.
Step 2. Select "Add/Remove Windows components" in the left side of the "Add/Remove Programs" window.
Step 3. Select "Management and Monitoring Tools".
Step 4. Click Next and SNMP service installation will start.
In-between the installation you will be prompted to insert Windows 2003 CD, once you provide the CD and click OK the SNMP installation
will resume and SNMP Service will be installed on that system. Once Installation is done,
it will display a message saying Installation is successful
Steps to Configure SNMP Service on Server side
Step 1. Select "Administrative Tools" from Control Panel
Step 2. Select Services from "Administrative Tools" window.
Step 3. Select SNMP Service in the "Services" window.
Step 4. Open SNMP Service and go to its properties.
Step 5. Goto "Security" tab and make sure that "Accept SNMP Packets from any host" is selected. Add a community with some keyword. Eg-� public�
Step 6. Goto "Traps" tab and the list of host IPs to which you want the traps to be sent with community name.
Steps to install SNMP Service on Windows 2008:
Before you install the LSI Agent, Make sure that SNMP Service is already installed in the system.
If you do not have SNMP Service installed on your system, Follow the following steps to install SNMP Service for Windows 2008 System.
Step 1. Select Program and Features from Control Panel.
Step 2. Click on "Turn windows feature on/off" to select the windows components to install.
Step 3. Select Features in the left side menu.
Step 4. Click on Add Features.
Step 5. Select "SNMP Services".
Step 6. Click on Next.
Step 6. Click on Install and SNMP installation starts, You will be prompted for the Windows 2008 CD during the installation,
Insert the CD and select OK, the installation will resume. Once Installation is done,
it will display a message saying Installation is successful.
Follow the below Steps to Configure SNMP Service on Server side on Windows 2008.
Step 1. Select "Administrative Tools" from Control Panel
Step 2. Select Services from "Administrative Tools" window.
Step 3. Select SNMP Service in the "Services" window.
Step 4. Open SNMP Service and go to its properties.
Step 5. Goto "Security" tab and make sure that "Accept SNMP Packets from any host" is selected.Add a community with some keyword. Eg-� public�.
Step 6. Goto "Traps" tab and the list of host IPs to which you want the traps to be sent with community name.
SNMP Trap Disable Functionality
The SNMP Trap can be disabled either using custom setup or by using TRAPIND="N" as msiexec parameter.
CIM Plugin support
In case of networks that doesn�t have DNS configured, the �hosts� file of the systems where MSM is installed must be manually edited to map the IP address & the host name of your CIMOM server. �In addition, it should also have a mapping of its own IP address (not the loop back address) & host name for the indications to be supported.
MSM Performance Improvement:
a. MSM slow/hung during large configurations.
b. MSM slow while running the TAS tool.
c. Out of Memory Error.
For better performance of MSM, when subjected to any heap-intensive (say heavy IOs) or computational tasks, improve the heap by including the following command "-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m", where
1024m Size of the heap allocated. The specified size is dependent on the machine's Hardware configuration.
-Xms1024m Sets the initial size of the Java heap to 1024 Mbytes
-Xmx1024m Sets the maximum heap size to 1024 Mbytes
1. Goto product home folder (C:\Program Files\MegaRAID Storage Manager).
2. Open startupui.bat file in editable mode.
3. Include the command -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m after "JRE\bin\javaw",
start JRE\bin\javaw -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m
Note: -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m can be configured based on the server configuration
Known Issues & Limitations
1)With the usage of the components version MR 5.8 or MR 6.1 (or greater) firmware and MR5.5, 5.6, 5,7 & MR6.0 MSM builds, the following issues are observed with 4k drives:
1. When user tries to create any logical drive with stripe size below 32K, configuration creation will fail
2. When user tries to create logical drive with stripe size more than 32K, configuration creation will result in a incorrect stripe size value
To avoid this issue use the latest MR 5.8 or MR 6.1 (or greater) MSM build.
2)MSM Device tree always shows green check icon for BBU status. Refer �Status� property in the BBU properties page for more details on BBU Status. Please refer defect:SCGCQ00323453 for more details.
3)MSM shows java icon instead of MSM icon for Pop-Up Notification
4)�Alert Delivery methods� table items will be get shuffled each time when we open the Configure Alert window
5)In Windows server 2012 MSM shows Java icon instead of MSM icon in task bar when the user is try to pin the MSM
6)MSM reports VD size slightly larger (by 0.001) than original size for large VD configuration
7)Health status displayed in MSM Login page will be in below format/order if server contains combination of MR and IR Controllers:
--> MR,IR3,IR2,IR1
For Example: 1) If MR Controller contains offline VD and IR-3 Contians Degraded VD, then System health will be displayed as offline.
2) System health will be Displayed as degraded if MR Contains Degraded VD and IR-3 contains Offline VD.
3) Health will be optimal if none of the mentioned controllers has offline/degraded VD.
8)MSM uninstaller will not remove MegaSAS log file from MSM folder (MegaRaid Storage Manager folder). By default this file not be placed in MSM folder.
This file will be generated by StorCLI (if user launch/use the CLI placed in MSM folder). This issue will not affect MSM upgrade or any further installation/un-installation.
9)MSM upgrade may not prompt for confirmation, but it will go ahead and perform the up-gradation (Might be either Minor/Major based on the version number)
10)Manage MegaRAID Advanced Software Options window may not be proper if it is opened using mnemonics.
11)MSM uninstallation from control panel may not prompt �MSM is already running� message, it will go ahead and perform the uninstallation.
This can be avoided by changing <MSM_HOME> directory permissions.
12)MSM Configure Host settings may not save the display preferences, it may go for default option during MSM Re-launch.
Settings can be saved by changing permissions of file in <MSM_HOME> directory.
13)In Device tree MSM will not show Security ICON for Secure capable JBOD PD. Below text will be displayed in Decive tree to differentiate between secure and non-secure jbod, if security is enabled on controller.
FDE JBOD drive --> Security Capable
FDE JBOD secured drive --> Secured
14)MSM resets a few controller property to "0" if there is any mix and match use of MSM (older of MSMv6.8) vs FW from later of the quarterly releases.
To provide an example, if the customer is using older version of MR 6.7 MSM which does not have the support of this field (say "errorThreshold") with latest version of FW MR6.8,
which has this support in FW brings an issue as the reserved field at that particular offset in the Ctrl Prop structure is sending the MSM defaults value of 0 to FW which overwrites the FW default value.
This issue is completely fixed in MR6.8. This fix will be back ported to N-2 version starting from MR6.8 MSM. (N=MR6.8MSM)
a) In case of any customer who uses older than N-2 version (MR6.6/MR6.7) and encounter this issue, need to be moved to MR6.8.