All outages will be listed here: ############### #Oct 1st, 2024# CIOS edge firewall was misconfigured and was not allowing PASV ports to be NAT'ed correctly. Whoopsie, thats what I get for trying to increse the port range for more clients. ############### Fixed Oct 1st, 00:40 AM EST ############### #Oct 7th, 2024# Server will be slow, we are rync'ing a backup to a staging server in prep of large upgrades. New storage backing, SSD, caching, 10 Gig WAN etc etc. ############### Fixed ################ #Oct 28th, 2024# Moved to new server, still tuning things, FTP and HTTP should be working now. Will be implementing SSD caching soon to speed things up. 10 GbE DIA ETA Nov 27th ################ Server was moved, FTP, HTTP working ################ #Oct 30th, 2024# Front end nginx proxy, is absolutely fucking me here, was giving 403 for god knows why. Legit empty access and error logs. docker compose up -d --force-recreate to the rescue ################ Fixed, for some reason the NPM container had caching enabled and was trying to cache a shit load of massive files. Like stuffing a house into a suitcase basicly. ################ #Nov 8th, 2024 # New Fiber run into the basement lab, 10 GbE DIA is installed, BGP is running!, ASN 400848 is live, Server is now on new connection!! ################DONE! ################ #Nov 10th, 2024# Starting move to full Dual stack IPv4/IPv6, configuring BGP ipv6 address-family now. ################